THE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS DIALOGUE / On Urbanization and Infrastructure / sustainable responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
More than 100 authors from all continents contributed to INTERSECTING. In over 50 contributions they are calling to team up and create the infrastructure of a new sustainable economy. Richly illustrated by dozens of original photographs, INTERSECTING is an epic journey from ‘disease’ to multilateral ‘agendas’. It portrays a major crisis of our urban age, which beyond the pandemic, is one of profound mutations and geopolitical shifts, where people’s and cities’ voices need to be heard.
PEAK Director Michael Keith and Policy Mananger Francisco Obando contribute a chapter describing the PEAK Urban framework, used by 38 research projects being carried out globally to guide projects that aim to generate new knowledge to address salient issues affecting cities in the 21st century. The contribution explains how policymakers and practitioners could apply the framework to further urban health.
INTERSECTING has been launched by the Global Solutions Initiative and GIZ. It has been joined by the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as knowledge partners. INTERSECTING is now available as an e-book in PDF format free of charge.